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During the studies of borderland towns-strongholds, the author raised questions about the stylistic affiliation of individual buildings and urban space as a whole. It is convenient to study the fortress towns of Podillia that appeared in 16th-17th centuries because this period of development was the latest and most significant from the architectural point of view. Since the fortresses were destroyed during the confrontation with the Turks in the last quarter of the 17th century, before the end of the first quarter of the 18th century they degraded to the level of small county towns and villages. But the presence of a certain number of buildings and landmarks that survived, and certain layout of streets caused by terrain, allow finding and identifying the stylistic features of the towns of Podillia in the context of world's styles of the age.
We considered the differences between European fortification systems and schools that have been developed simultaneously with Renaissance and Baroque and the basis of their evolution.
41 objects were analyzed to study the implementation of various fortification systems in Podillia. 11 of them were illustrated with plans and photographs. The data was arranged into a table.
The author concluded that the Gothic style remained in monumental buildings of Podillia for too long and mixed with Renaissance, Old-Russian and Byzantine architecture traditions in an amazing way. The churches in Yazlovets, Terebovl, and Gusyatin are mentioned in the article.
Conclusions. The towns of Podillia had an archaic look that did not correlate with the aesthetic principles of the Renaissance and Baroque styles, although they emerged at this age. The features of the Medieval architecture were both in the look of individual buildings and in the image of the city as a whole. The style of buildings and mutual influence of building traditions of different national and religious groups in small towns of Podillia will be further studied.
Keywords. Castle, monastery, tower system, corner tower hexagonal in plan view, rectangular tower, roundel, Old-Italian school, bastion, New-Italian School, Early Renaissance, Late Renaissance, Early Baroque, "belated" Gothic, Gothic Survival, fortress town
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The article deals with the poorly known aspects of native history concerned with folk motives and forms of distributing social Utopias in Russia and the attitude of common people to them. The legend about the city of Ignat had been widespread among Cossacks of the river Don and the population of the southern regions of Russia since XVIII century. Based on this legend the semantic analysis has been made of such version of common people Utopian ideas as legend about distant lands. The aim has been set to make it clear that social and cultural meaning of the legend about the city of Ignat is not kept within the bounds of class struggle but it inevitably exceeds their limits. This meaning can be understood only by the recognition of Russian common people ideas close link with religious-symbolic world of traditional culture in the field of which popular social Utopia had been formed. It is shown that social-utopian legend-making has been connected in many ways with Old Believersactivity which had been found wide resonance among common people and Cossacks of the river Don. From the social-politics and psychological points of view it is given the explanation of the departure of Cossacks-nekrasovtsev from native lands in the search for better life. This departure was easier to perform due to the information about vast amounts of unreclaimed lands; experience of popular colonization known throughout the country and rumors about unrestricted life without masters among Cossacks, but the most important thing was the understanding of unrighteousness of contemporary social order. By means of interdisciplinary methodology it is proved that the belief in the reality of the city of Ignat existence made a particular sense to numerous escapes of Russian common people giving them moral and religious approval for their activities. The semantic analysis of one of the most widespread legends during the XVIII-XIXcenturies gives clear evidence that being created by collective consciousness of social lower classes grand Utopia of social paradise on the Earth axiologically disclaimed undevout world of masters as though parodying it as dead artificial caricature on the righteous and real social order. Therefore the city of Ignat insubstantially constructed by the rebellious ideas of common people is a speculative imitation of idealreality. According to the law of mirror symmetry this imitation represents real world as anti-Utopia.
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